Think H-O-R-S-E for Christmas
iPony for Christmas
Instead of an iPod give her an iPony this Christmas season. Adopt a Horse for Christmas is a perfect gift to surprise her with Christmas morning. Since a horse is too big to fit under the tree and not appropriate to keep in her room (or the garage for that matter) she will discover“her Christmas to remember and one she will never forget” opening a beautiful card with a picture of her horse along with an adoption certificate. WOW!! What an incredible, unexpected Big, Big gift to get for Christmas.
Shortly after Christmas, we will have a seminar & have your daughter out to meet her new family member. We will go over the Adopt a Horse Program and all the rules and regulations that come along with any large, expensive gift and/or live adoption. Having her own horse, with regularly scheduled riding lessons and events will help her appreciate hard work and effort as owning a horse is fun but it is work. This gift will be life changing for her as she begins to navigate through these tough teenage years – having a horse to communicate with actually helps her to be more understanding of herself, others and God.
SPECIAL PRICING FOR CHRISTMAS -- Usually $160 per month now 40% off for Christmas! Just $100 per month!!
(*no other discounts will apply - limited spacing for this program- 1st come, 1st serve)
The payment plan for ipony for Christmas is as follows:
• $55 deposit for her horse before Christmas in which you will receive her gift for under the tree.
• Payments will be due the first of each month beginning in April through October
• Payment for April 1st $50.
• Payment May - October $100 per month (This includes 4 riding lessons per month) See Adopt a Horse benefits.
The program runs from April – October and lessons will be scheduled on Mondays & Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30. There are other programs and summer camps which she can get involved in that will continue to help enhance her equine as well as life experiences.
Any questions can be answered when you call us to inquire or enroll your daughter: 304/754-4414 for more info.
For girls ages 11 – 18 years of age
Fee: $55 to reserve your horse All packets must be picked up by the December 20 deadline.