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Adopt A Horse


We are very excited to be offering the Adopt a Horse Program to girls 11 – 18 years of age. This program is designed to make dreams come true for young girls with a passion for horses. Girls who have a desire to own their own horse but few resources or time to “do it all.”  Horses can be the most incredible life line for an adolescent girl who has always wanted to own her own horse but for many reasons could not –

until now. 

This program is a training tool to help establish a love for horses as well as strengthening relationships, teaching discipline & commitment.   Having a horse, with regularly scheduled riding lessons & events will help a young girl appreciate hard work and effort as owning a horse is a big responsibility that takes active participation. This program is life changing as she begins to navigate through these tough teenage years – having a horse to communicate with actually helps her to be more understanding of herself, others and God.




The best way to explain adopt a horse is to liken it to a horse timeshare. We match the adoptive youth {owner girl} with a horse that will fit her needs as a rider with the needs and ability of the horse. This process can take some time and can change depending upon circumstances that surface during the first few months of the adoption such as learning curve and horse/rider cohesiveness and compatibility.


Each adopted horse can have other owners (ideally two girls to one horse) that share time, riding and love. This is all worked out on a scheduled time frame so that consistency as well as flexibility is in place. An owner can come to the barn anytime to see her horse but will only be scheduled to have two exclusive days per week with her horse for riding and at least two weekend days per month.  


Most girls in this program are beginner riders -- therefore, there is a learning curve to being able to "horseback".  It will be up to the instructor as to when a girl can test out so that she may ride, in full control, on her own -- utilizing the trails on the property, etc.  Each participant is different and some girls take longer than others to test out.  It is our job to make sure each owner girl is ready to make that plunge to ride safely on her own. 


As always, Eagles’ Wings strives to use the examples of Christ and biblical application to help strengthen relationships, build self-esteem; teach communication, discipline and patience. The horse program is more about relationship and nurturing than it is about riding. You can get through life without riding – you can’t get through life without relationships. Cost: $160.00 month includes one lesson each week.  


**Look for specials such as work scholarships and iPony for Christmas!



Instead of an iPod give her an iPony this Christmas season. Adopt a Horse for Christmas is a perfect gift to surprise her with Christmas morning. Since a horse is too big to fit under the tree and not appropriate to keep in her room (or the garage for that matter) she will discover“her Christmas to remember and one she will never forget” opening a beautiful card with a picture of her horse along with an adoption certificate. WOW!! What an incredible, unexpected Big, Big gift to get for Christmas. 


Shortly after Christmas, we will have a seminar & have your daughter out to meet her new family member.   We will go over the Adopt a Horse Program and all the rules and regulations that come along with any large, expensive gift and/or live adoption. Having her own horse, with regularly scheduled riding lessons and events will help her appreciate hard work and effort as owning a horse is fun but it is work. This gift will be life changing for her as she begins to navigate through these tough teenage years – having a horse to communicate with actually helps her to be more understanding of herself, others and God.


SPECIAL PRICING FOR CHRISTMAS!  (40% off) click picture for details

 (Adopt a Horse at 1/2 price! $100.00 for each month of program)




Eagles' Wings Ed. Girls Home ~  385 Butterfly Lane, Hedgesville, WV 25427 ~   Phone: 304-754-4414 ~  email:

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